Friday, January 11, 2008

Go Fish!

Today we served the people of the Puri fishing village of Pentakota. We delight in coming to this location each year because the need is great, the Telugu people in this seaside enclave seem to be in a forgotten corner of this resort region and several of the teams can operate out of the local church in this area.

Our desire is to address both the medical needs of these people as well as their spiritual needs through our actions but most importantly through our love. In God's word fish often represent mankind and we read stories & references to casting our nets, being fishers of men and see in later years the fish used as a symbol for Christianity. We are keenly reminded in this fishing village that each of the villagers that we encounter are precious in God's sight and we have a responsibility to do His work with the same love & concern for these people as our Lord shows for us.

This was a particularly long day because the commute to Puri is about 90 minutes outbound and 2 hours inbound to Bhubaneswar. We were blessed to see 543 patients with a later start and earlier departure time from the clinics than normal. While three teams operated in or adjacent to the village church, Dr Sonya's team had to setup in a local "home" because our usual second location was occupied with a village festival in the afternoon.

Take the link below to a picture archive of today:

The link below goes to a few short videos from the trip:

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